As always I have tons of different interesting and fun ideas whirring around in my head.
Here is a rough list of what I am interested in and what might be coming:
- decompiler.exe with AVX512 support
- Eclipse setup (video)
- for loop in decompilation
- GhidraScript not blocking UI
- GhidraScript thread-safe?
- Java packages to organize
- Multithreading in GhidraScript
- JavaDoc for my GhidraScripts
- Game of Life benchmark (video)
- Spline interpolation for 3d (video)
- std::string_view for std::regex
- Database snapshotting
- Firewall status
- Mail setup
- Philosphy
- Portunus database reconnect
- Portunus refactor (static worker threads)
- Portunus status
World of Warcraft
- Import symbols from IDA
- LUA function parsing
- Minified (deduplicate & reencode)
- Performance improvements
- NeoWowUtils2 in C++
- Raw file access instead of MPQ